Red Object Exchange
How does it work?
Students bring a red object from home to leave it somewhere on campus, and take a red object that someone else has left at any time during the day.
What should I bring?
Red objects can be anything you already have, are okay letting go of, and should not be of any significant value. They can be big or tiny, it's up to you. Ask a family member before you take something. See below for examples!
What if I forget or don't have something to bring?
We will have some red objects for students who are not able to bring an object or forget.
Why are we doing this?
This process will unite our whole community and lead to a temporary display of over a thousand red objects which stand in strong visual contrast with the green of the Usdan woods. It will also show the power of all of us doing something at one time, while keeping our individuality. Lastly, by the time students return to their homes on their yellow bus with their new red objects, we will have all created an immediate and massive exchange system that encompasses New York City, Long Island, and its surrounding areas.