10th Annual Adults-Only 'USDAN University' "Organic Gardening & Simple Food"

The adults-only "USDAN University" was an all day arts camp experience including pottery, musical theater, jazz dance, Festival Concert, and the one hour course we experienced, the "Organic Gardening and Simple Food" class. This was the first year for the Organic Gardening and Simple Food workshop, taught by the talented Chef Richard LaMarita, who has taught at the Natural Gourmet Institute for the past 18 years and has worked with Chef Floyd Cardoz at Tabla Restaurant. Students learned how to create their own miniature herb garden and prepare recipes that incorporate foods from the organic garden at USDAN.
Chef Richard LaMarita started the class with an overview of what the students will be preparing and how to make it (above). He was very clear and instructional. Chef LaMarita handed out packets, titled "Hors D' On The Grill," with all of the recipes for the hors d'oeuvres. He then split up the class into groups to participate in preparing different recipes. Everyone worked together harmoniously with exceptional teamwork. As the students were working, Chef LaMarita went around to put in a helping hand when necessary and assisted with additional cooking tips.