Summer Newsletter | Aug 6, 2024
What's New With U? Week 5

Dear Friends,
It's hard to believe we are over halfway through the summer!
This past week we welcomed 4B Session students to Usdan and had another full week of incredible art-making, friend-making, and joy-making culminating in a Pool Party for the ages.
Keep reading about some highlights from the week and what's coming up in Week 6!
Red Object Exchange
A Usdan Tradition
Thursday, August 8
First conceived by our Artist in Residence Pedro Lasch, Red Object Exchange has become a favorite Usdan tradition.
On Thursday, we invite all Usdan students to bring in a red object from home to leave somewhere on campus, and take a red object that someone else has left at any time during the day. We ask that only those students who bring a red object take one, and only one, ensuring that everyone who participates can take an object home.
By the time students return home with their new red object, we will have created an immediate and massive exchange experiment that encompasses New York City, Long Island, and its surrounding areas.
We can't wait to share photos with you in next week's newsletter!
Let's Re-PLAY
Five weeks in and we can't help but think back to our first week (which simultaneously feels like two hours ago and two months ago).
So this week for the theme portion of the newsletter, we rewound the tape-deck to bring you some musings from three of our Music and Theater student artists on how they have been leaning into the theme of PLAY starting from Week 1.
“This week, we’re talking about motifs and how we can develop them, inverting or reversing the inversion of them. You’re just playing with the melody in a way, and that’s in my opinion how I’ve experimented with play.”
-George S., Composition Major
“Play is a very big part of our musical theater experience here. Because playing can also just mean learning how to have fun. Having more fun with characters and just being part of a show is a great experience.”
-Molly A., Musical Theater Major
“In terms of me playing, I have had the opportunity to play around with different characters and embody different roles as part of the audition process. I’m part of the cast of 'Once Upon A Mattress,' and you have to have a playful personality in order to play certain roles. You just have to embody the silliness but also sometimes the seriousness of the character as well. That's basically the art of theater in itself. Just embodying characters and putting yourself in their shoes and understanding what they’re going through.”
-Sean, Musical Theater Major
Zero Waste Tuesday
Join in on the Challenge!
Tuesdays, August 6, 13 & 20
As Usdan works to become a more sustainable organization, our Green Team invites all students to make as little lunch waste as possible. To incentivize participation, we are kicking off a weekly Zero Waste Tuesday Challenge!
For the remainder of the session, we will weigh the lunch waste from each picnic area at the end of the day on Monday. On Tuesday, we will weigh the waste again. Whatever picnic area that has the greatest percentage reduction in waste wins all the bragging rights. (No physical prizes for this challenge as we don't want to create more waste, of course!)
The Music picnic area won in Week 5. Who will win this coming Week 6?!
It's Not Too Early for Summer 2025
Enrollment Now Open for Current Students & Siblings
Shoutout to all parents, guardians, and caregivers of current Usdan students!
You've made an incredible investment in your child's future by enrolling them in Usdan this summer. We hope you too have seen the amount they have grown and the joy they have felt while at Usdan.
Double down on that investment and enroll now for Summer 2025. By enrolling now you can lock in the lowest price for Summer 2025 without risk — you can withdraw without penalty by September 22, 2024. Plus, our payment plans start now, meaning each installment is only 10%. So what are U waiting for?
Is your student not currently enrolled in Summer 2024 but you're interested in enrolling for Summer 2025? General enrollment will open on September 23, 2024 and in the meantime, please do not hesitate to email if you have any questions. Interested in a tour before the summer ends? Email Kathryn at
Festival Week 5 Recap
From Troupe to Trousers
Sarah Danke Dance Project performed at Festival on Friday, August 2.
Week 5 Festival began with a performance by Troupe, a selective group of Musical Theater students who audition for a spot in this 8-week, three-period Major. Troupe students shared a selection from their upcoming production of "Little Women," which they will perform on Monday, August 12 in the Lucy Moses Theater. You can watch a recording of the performance here.
The next day, members of our Music Faculty performed a selection of pieces including a clarinet and piano duet by Phillipe Gaubert and a string sonata by Rossini. You can watch the recording here.
A moment from Troupe's Festival performance on Monday.
Wednesday brought a concert performance of “A Mango in America” with book and lyrics by Divya Mangwani and music and lyrics by Tidtaya Sinutoke, part of our ongoing partnership with New Victory LabWorks powered by New 42.*
At long last, The Red Trouser Show returned to Festival to huge smiles and squeals from our delighted audience. From juggling and fire throwing to balancing upside down, the routines did not disappoint. Catch the recording here.
The Red Trouser Show returned to adoring fans!
We closed out the week with a new, site-specific performance by the Sarah Danke Dance Project that even featured one of our very own Usdan staff members driving the big 8-person golf cart into the McKinley Amphitheater. If you missed it, catch the recording here.
*Due to rights restrictions, we did not livestream or record the Festival performance on Wednesday.
Coming Up in Week 5 at Festival & In Studios...
Scroll Down to See What's On This Week!
Hip-Hop Pool Party Recap
We had a Blast!
Thanks to everyone who came out on Saturday for our inaugural Hip-Hop Pool Party!
It was perfectly hot for a day at the pool. We swam, we danced to music by DJ Hard Hittin Harry, we ate bites by Sid's All American and Island Spice, and designed our own tags in Graffiti Art classes. We even perfected our moves in Hip-Hop classes and got some zen on in Yoga classes. Our Faculty Artists showcased their incredible talents in our Faculty Artists Alley selling everything from paintings and prints to ceramics and trading cards. Many of you also gave back by donating new kids clothes to the Long Island Coalition for the Homeless.
We couldn't have asked for a better day in the sun. Until next year!
Our Next U Benefit is Only Two Weeks Away
Have You RSVP'd Yet?
Join us during the regular camp day to engage with the art and beauty of the Usdan campus.
Live performances | Art exhibitions & Comic Con | Raffles | Community art project and more!
Bring a picnic lunch to enjoy, just like our students. Meals will not be provided as we prioritize limiting food waste.
Thanks to our generous sponsors, this event is free. Registration is required. Donations are deeply appreciated, but not required.
How We Beat the Heat
Staying Cool at Usdan
The last two days of Week 5 were hot ones at Usdan, and as safety is our number one priority, we take the heat very seriously.
We continue to use our wet bulb thermometers to determine activity levels and when to take breaks. These thermometers measure not only temperature but also the impact of humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation on the body. When it the heat is too much, our Faculty will change lesson plans to give students a break from physical activity. For instance, in our Senior Vocal Ensemble, Dennis Creighton taught an engaging lesson on the history of voice from opera to musical theater to give students a break from singing.
Our multiple misters continue to run, and we make sure the students drink plenty of water throughout the day. Hydration is key!

See more highlights from Week 5 below courtesy of our Photographer, Terryl Whitaker. Plus, see even more photos now on our Flickr albums. View Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, and Week 5.
Have you followed us yet on Instagram and TikTok? We post photos, videos, and more almost daily!
Our Photography students use Usdan's campus as their inspiration for making photographs.
Our Troupe students rehearsing in the Lucy Moses Theater for "Little Women."
Students helped ring in the start of Session 4B on Monday.
Tobin Renwick from The Red Trouser Show instructed Theater students how to juggle in a special workshop on Thursday.
This week, Dance students started learning their routines in the studios.
Friday's Festival featured a Spirit Day Fashion Show with students showing off their best Pajamas!
Rise of the Jack O'Lanterns
Special Offer for Usdan Students, Families & Friends
October 4 - October 28
We’re excited to welcome back RISE of the Jack O’Lanterns — Long Island’s original and most visited fall event, featuring The World’s Longest Jack O’Lantern Trail!
This year, the woods of Usdan will showcase over 10,000 illuminated objects including 7,000 hand-carved jack o’lanterns, 3,000 specialty lanterns, and hundreds of family-friendly Halloween-themed visual displays.
As a member of the Usdan community, you have early access to tickets at a reduced rate. Tickets must be purchased in advance and every year this event sells out — so grab your tickets today and experience the spooktacular sites and artistry of the RISE.

Calendar Highlights: Week 6
Here is what's coming up next week!
Families of students are welcome to attend Festival performances and join us after for a backstage lunch. Festival performances will also be livestreamed, as well as recorded and posted, to our YouTube Channel.
Monday, August 5
First Day of Week 6 Recreation
Festival | Faculty/Staff: Zach Mandernach
12:10 p.m.
12:35 p.m.
Performance curated by Senior Chair, Theater & Lead Producer, Jim Incorvaia
Tuesday, August 6
5-Year Lunch for 8-Week & 4B Students
12:10 p.m.
Earlier this week, families of students celebrating five or more years at Usdan should have received an email with more details about lunch and a request to RSVP. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at
Festival | Guest Artist: "Más Allá Del Muro: Flor's Story" Performed by The Wall
12:10 p.m.
12:35 p.m.
Performance curated in association with New Victory LabWorks powered by New 42
Wednesday, August 7
Festival | Guest Artist: Dorrance Dance
12:10 p.m.
12:35 p.m.
Thursday, August 8
Red Object Exchange
Theater Show | Seussical
10:30 a.m.
Festival | Faculty/Staff: Aubrey Alvino with Jeffrey Hoffman
12:10 p.m.
12:35 p.m.
Performance curated by Senior Chair, Theater & Lead Producer, Jim Incorvaia
Theater Show | Seussical (Junior Cast)
1:30 p.m.
Friday, August 9
Spirit Day: Neon Day
Festival | Guest Artist: LA MANGA
12:10 p.m.
12:35 p.m.